
Psychologists Off The Clock

Episode 65 of Psychologists Off The Clock: Self-care, Kindness, and Living Well with Kelly Wilson

In this interview, Diana talks with Dr. Kelly Wilson about kindness and the common humanity of feeling inadequate and broken. Dr. Wilson describes the evolutionary science behind suffering and how “evolutionary mismatch” plays an important role in modern-day physical and psychological illness. Dr. Wilson, a co-founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), demonstrates acceptance and compassion as he describes his personal path to self-care and the regular self-care practices he engages in. On the eve of his retirement, Dr. Wilson shares what’s next for him on his ongoing journey toward kindness and meaning.

To listen to the full episode visit: https://offtheclockpsych.com/science-of-kindness/


Mindfulness for Two: Kelly and Cari


Ep. 33: Embrace Your Values and Your Vulnerability with ACT Co-Founder Dr. Kelly Wilson