One Life Education & Training
“For all who suffer: I hope that you see some small light in all this. I hope that you too might be the recipient of some unexpected good fortune, of redemption, of many, many second chances, ending in the deepest kindness.”
Kelly G. Wilson
One Life Education & Training
Welcome to OneLife Education & Training. The purpose of the training company is to provide consultation and education in emerging behavioral treatment and training technologies. Among our current services are research consulting, workshops, in-service training, individual training, consultation on the development of staff training, and treatment protocol development.
Most of our training and treatment development activities center around Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and its application in a variety of settings and with a variety of populations. However, we also provide general clinical training as well as more general training in behavior analysis.
Kelly G. Wilson
Kelly G. Wilson, Ph.D. is the primary provider of these services. Dr. Wilson is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Mississippi. he is co-author of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change, Terapia de Aceptión y Compromiso: Un Tratamiento Conductual Centrado en los Valores, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain, as well as over 100 articles and chapters on related basic and applied issues. His work includes the investigation of acceptance, mindfulness, and values-oriented strategies in the treatment of a variety of problems in living as well as in the basic behavioral science underlying therapeutic change.
A complete listing of publications and other academic activities can be found in Dr. Wilson’s vita on his academic website.