Exploring Values in ACT is an online course taught by Dr. Kelly G. Wilson, a co-founder of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and expert in helping others build lives of profound meaning.
In this video excerpt from Exploring Values in ACT, you’ll learn how a moment of “stuckness” can become an opportunity for life-changing values work.
Working With Self and Identity in ACT is an on-demand course taught by Dr. Kelly G. Wilson, a co-founder of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and expert in helping others build lives of profound meaning
In this video excerpt from Working With Self and Identity in ACT, Dr. Wilson explains the function of fusion with self-as-content — even when it takes the form of “I don't know who I am” or “the world would be better off without me” — and discusses how clinicians can erode the illusion of simplicity that often accompanies these tightly held narratives.